lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

SQL tip: How to check duplicates

You can check the duplicates in one table with the clause HAVING COUNT.
In the following examples I select the passports that are duplicate in the 
table tourist_table.
This first case just returns the passports that have duplicates, it does not
especify how many duplicates are for each passport.
SELECT passport FROM tourist_table
GROUP BY passport
In this case the query returns the passports that have duplicates and the
number of repeated values that every one has. 
SELECT passport, COUNT(passport) FROM tourist_table
GROUP BY passport
In this last case the query retunrs all the fields of the row for every 
SELECT * FROM tourist_table 
WHERE passport  IN 
   ( Select passport  FROM  tourist_table 
     GROUP BY passport  
    Having Count(*) > 1 )

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